Home Enterprise LaCie Porsche Design USB Key Announced

LaCie Porsche Design USB Key Announced

by Lyle Smith

LaCie and Porsche Design have announced the new Porsche Design USB Key, the latest addition to Porsche Design’s exclusive electronics line. The new key combines sleek design with top-in-class performance and features up to 32GB of capacity as well as USB 3.0 compatibility.

LaCie and Porsche Design have announced the new Porsche Design USB Key, the latest addition to Porsche Design’s exclusive electronics line. The new key combines sleek design with top-in-class performance and features up to 32GB of capacity as well as USB 3.0 compatibility.

With its slim steel build and scratch-resistant connector, the new LaCie key is durable enough to withstand daily wear and tear. Additionally, it gives users the ability securely store and easily share large documents or media files in seconds with transfer speeds up to 95MB/s.

LaCie’s Private/Public software protects this data with AES 256-bit encryption and password protection in case of loss, theft, or unauthorized access. For added accessibility and off-site backup, the LaCie Porsche Design USB Key also comes with one-to-one capacity of Wuala Secure Cloud Storage for one year.

Pricing and Availability
The LaCie Porsche Design USB Key is available in 16GB and 32GB capacities and is available at the LaCie Online Store and LaCie Resellers starting at $29.99. It ships with a 2-year limited warranty.

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UPDATE 10/17/13 – LaCie Porsche Design USB Key Review Posted