Home Enterprise STEC ZeusRAM and ZeusIOPS SSDs Certified for NexentaStor NAS/SAN Platform

STEC ZeusRAM and ZeusIOPS SSDs Certified for NexentaStor NAS/SAN Platform

by Mark Kidd

STEC has announced Nexenta’s certification of an all-STEC SSD configuration for the NexentaStor ZFS-based storage platform. NexentaStor will use ZeusRAM SSD to store its write log and ZeusIOPS SSD for the read cache, meaning up to 5X better performance for database indexing and email exchanges, 8X reduction in cost per user, and 4X reduction in cost per transaction.

STEC has announced Nexenta’s certification of an all-STEC SSD configuration for the NexentaStor ZFS-based storage platform. NexentaStor will use ZeusRAM SSD to store its write log and ZeusIOPS SSD for the read cache, meaning up to 5X better performance for database indexing and email exchanges, 8X reduction in cost per user, and 4X reduction in cost per transaction.

NexentaStor is a unified storage management software platform that runs on standard hardware. NexentaStor targets customers that require cost-effective data storage by taking advantage of technologies including ZFS Intent Log (ZIL), inline deduplication, hardware-agnostic solutions, unlimited snapshots and cloning.


STEC’s ZeusRAM and ZeusIOPS SSDs are being showcased at the OpenStorage Summit EMEA this week in Amsterdam. Package discounts are now available for bundled STEC-NexentaStor solutions.

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